Curriculum vitae
- 2017 lawyer of trust for the Berlin administration, contact person for whistleblowers
- 2017 appointment as a notary
- 2014 specialist lawyer for commercial and corporate law
- 2011 – 2017 lawyer and managing director of BTR Rechtsanwälte in Berlin
- Admitted to the bar in 2011
- 2008 – 2010 Legal clerkship at the Superior Court of Berlin
- 2003 – 2008 Law studies at the Humboldt University in Berlin with focus on “German and international criminal justice”
- Born in Hamburg in 1982
- Korruptionsprävention durch den Vertrauensanwalt für die Berliner Verwaltung
in: ZWH 2018, 288-293
- Berlin Bar Association
- Berlin Chamber of Notaries
- Deutscher Anwaltsverein (DAV)
- Working group for the notary's office
- Working Group on Commercial and Corporate Law
- Supporting member of the Society for Freedom Rights e.V.